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售價:1280 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Vago- | Define Vago- at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/vago 1. a combining form with the meaning “vagus nerve,” used in the formation of compound words: vagotomy. www.spanishdict.com/translate/vago Translate Vago in English. Get the most accurate Spanish to English translations. Fast. Easy. Free. www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=vago Mar 05, 2006 · in Mexico a VAGO is a person who does not do anything in the entire day. He does not have a work, he does not go to the school, he just is walking ... vago.tv Vago TV. La comunidad que comparte los mejores vídeos del mundo. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagos_Motorcycle_Club The Vagos Motorcycle Club, also known as the Green Nation, is a one percenter motorcycle club formed in 1965 in the unincorporated community of San Bernardino, … 【VAGO&ANDY】美型焦點繫帶涼鞋(黑),涼鞋,涼鞋 款式特搜,平價流行女鞋,鞋包錶 |
商品尺寸:35/36/37/38/39/40(此版型正常,建議選購平常尺寸!) 尺寸對照:35號=22.5公分,36號=23公分,37號=23.5公分,38號=24公分,39號=24.5公分,40號=25公分 鞋跟高度:9公分(前跟高4公分) 產品顏色:白、卡其、黑 材 質:進口羊紋面料 包 裝:VAGO&ANDY專屬品牌鞋盒 服裝贊助:宣琪(PINK)服飾&模特兒提供 |
資料來源:momo購物網 |